How we work

Once you are ready to transform your garden or create a new outdoor space, call Paul for an on-site consultation at your place.

Garden shot verticalWe will use our proven processes to get your job planned and delivered on-time and on-budget, whether you have a vision or a set of detailed plans.

We carry out our landscape work in collaboration with our clients, and also by working to the plans of qualified, experienced landscape architects and garden designers.

Here are the steps:

  • If you have your own ideas and are seeking a professional opinion, Paul can advise you on next steps.
  • If the scope of your vision means a landscape plan and drawings are required, Paul will recommend landscape architects or designers who are right for your job.
  • Once the design is completed, Paul will provide a free, no-obligation quote.
  • Once you accept the job, a contract and project plan will be finalised.
  • Sign the paper work and the work is underway – “let the digging begin!”

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